Long-time love for cooking

Michael started baking alongside his mother at eight years old and fell in love with it. It became their love language. They learned and made mistakes together, and increasingly experimented with new recipes. Together, they progressed from boxed cake mixes to yeasted bread and eventually to cookies. Cookies became the sweet spot of baking (pun intended) for Michael and his mother. They tried unique and challenging recipes – and even had competitions. This love of baking cookies continued into Michael's college years and beyond.

The science of baking

After college, Michael dove deeply into the science of baking. He was insatiable for new methods and a more exact understanding of how each ingredient interacted with the others. He watched cooking shows and read hundreds of cookbooks. He began to understand baking on a molecular level, learning how sugar and water interact in a recipe and the science behind building gluten structure. Michael was now a full-blown baking nerd. :)

The birth of “Fun Buns” & “Dough Boys”

Michael constantly experimented with cinnamon rolls and conducted extensive research. Through trial and error, Michael arrived at a product that he was proud of and excited about: Chadwick’s “Fun Buns.” Michael uses a method called Tangzhong, or water roux, to make his moist, fluffy “Fun Buns” that stay fresh. He then branched out to making pizza. Given the many pizza options in the area, Michael sought to create something unique for his customers. He landed on a focaccia style crust – airy in the middle and crispy on the bottom – that was full of flavor just by itself. Thus, was born Chadwick’s “Dough Boy.”

The best is yet to come

Chadwick’s – located in the heart of the Castro District – represents something deeply personal for Michael. Named after the first friend Michael made years ago when he first moved to San Francisco, the bakery is testament to the welcome and sense of belonging that Michael, and many others, experience in the Castro. Chadwick’s is just getting started. There are countless items on the horizon as Michael develops the menu and expands the offerings. What remains constant is Michael’s love of baking and his plans to continue sharing the fruits of his labor in the months and years to come.

Fun Bun dough roll